​Protecting Scotland’s Environment for the Future
A Push Towards Agroforestry
Pledging to:
Create a centralised working group on agroforestry to understand how it can best be applied in Scotland.
Renewable Energy
Pledging to:
Prioritise Scotland’s off-shore wind energy opportunities in order to meet current energy targets.
Protecting Vulnerable People in Scotland
Homelessness and Housing
Pledging to:
Commit more funding to the building of affordable housing
Increase transparency and accountability in the bureaucracy surrounding homelessness applications
Promoting High-Quality Asylum Claim Processing
Pledging to:
Continue and expand the New Scots Strategy
Name Party Region/Constituency
Scottish Labour
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Scottish Green Party
Scottish Green Party
Scottish Green Party
Scottish Green Party
Scottish Green Party
Scottish Green Party
Rob Connell
Pam Duncan -Glancy
Catriona Bhatia
Julia Brown
Lorna Douglas
Chris Ballance
Mags Hall
Ben Parker
Mark Ruskell
Evelyn Weston
Kate Nevens